Monday, April 26, 2010

UConn's Spring Bashed

The numbers of arrests and amount of damage done at this year's UConn Spring Weekend is nothing compared to what can happen at a really good soccer match, so what's the big deal?

Well, these are our children (the boomer generation's children anyway) who are behaving dangerously, imbibing large quantities of that sinful malt beverage (Keystone Light), and generally acting like idiots.  No one wants children to get hurt, so the concern is warranted, even if the media coverage isn't.

Why doesn't the UConn and Storrs community come up with a less costly, safer alternative, rather than just letting the students morph into alcoholic cavemen for a weekend?

Hold a big concert or other event where the alcohol is limited to a particular area of the stadium and costs too much for the students to buy in large quantities.  Students can dance, drink a bit, and laugh.  There's nothing wrong with blowing off a bit of steam before finals.

The cost of police, fire, ambulance and clean up crews for a controlled event would be far less than letting the students regress into beasts and run loose.

Of course, the students could stand to show a bit of restraint and self-respect in their celebration.  College students are supposed to be the best and brightest, not the drunkest and dumbest.

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